WEST SILC’s curriculum ethos and values
For more information on West SILC’s curriculum please contact our Teaching and Learning Lead and Assistant Head
Paula Rhodes
0113 386 2450
West SILC’s Curriculum follows 3 discrete pathways:
These pathways are not rigid and some pupils who excel may move to a different pathway during their time in our school. Each pathway has a balance of personalised learning (based on EHCP outcomes - red blocks) and subject specific learning (for those who can access - yellow blocks).The balance of each of these strands varies according to which pathway your child follows. The more formal the pathway, the greater the percentage of subject specific learning. The following image represents the different pathways and the balance of time given to different subjects / areas of learning.
West SILC’s Curriculum Principles for all pathways - INTENT, IMPEMENTATIOn AND IMPACT
in most cases we use a thematic approach to deliver subject specific and personalised learning
Click on the links below to see future themes:
What We Do and How We Do It
You can search each subject by clicking on the links below to see how each department teaches that subject or you can click below on the department to see how their curriculum is tailored to its specific learners.
EHCPs - the golden thread
Mint, orange, peach and amber class
Powerhouse and Mainsite: Key stages 4 (SEMH) and 5
years 7 - 11
Key stage 3 and 4