Home/school transport
Applications for home/school transport
If your child will need assistance with home to school travel, you will need to apply to the Children's Transport Team. Eligibility for assistance will be assessed in line with Leeds Children's Services Transport Policy September 2014. The type of transport or assistance provided will be determined by what best meets the needs of the child or young person, provides value for money, and is as sustainable as possible.
If you need to contact transport directly, please call 0113 378 1820 and choose option 1.
You can download a copy of the application form for assistance with home to school travel by clicking on the button below.
If you have any queries or require assistance in completing the application form, then please contact Christine Raby our Parent Support Worker on 0113 3862450.
transport at school
The safe transport of our pupils at all times is of the highest priority. Continued investment in our own internal transport provision includes the purchase of our first school minibuses .
An internal school transport policy and risk assessment underpins the safety and welfare of both staff and students as they access an enhanced curriculum and a range of enhancement opportunities. Our highly skilled school staff undergo regular specialist training to ensure they are competent to drive safely under any circumstances.
This includes every school driver undertaking regular driving assessments with Leeds City Council transport safety team and completing MiDAS training (Minibus Driver Awareness Scheme).