e-safety information for parents/carers
Click here to view the latest Online Safety Newsletter
Please find below parental checklists for social media sites, click on each logo to view the Parent/Carer guide and checklist.
facebook: parent’s guide
twitter: parent’s guide
online safety guidance to google
Setting up Parental Controls on an iOS device with Family Sharing
Setting up Snapchat Privacy settings (on your child’s account)
YouTube Kids App
instagram: parent’s guide
roblox: a parent’s guide
a parent’s guide to youtube restricted mode
Setting up Parental Controls on your child’s iOS device (when you don’t have an iOS device)
Roblox Parental Controls and Privacy settings
snapchat: parent’s guide
tik tok: a parent’s guide
guide to parent controls whilst using netflix
Setting up Snapchat Family Centre
Nintendo Switch Parental Controls App
e-safety links
Further reading and guidance on E-Safety
SPECIAL NEEDS JUNGLE provides parent-centred information, news, special needs resources and informed opinion about SEND.
Free Online Advice On Dealing With Issues That Could Be Affecting Your Children.
SWGFL are a charity ensuring children benefit from technology, free from harm.
child protection
If you have any queries regarding safety either online, around the house or out and about then please do not hesitate to contact our family support workers at the Main Site. Should you wish to discuss child protection you may do so by contacting on of our designated child protection officers at the Main Site.
Both may be reached on 0113 386 2450.
If you are ever concerned that a child is in immediate danger please call the police on 999.
Click HERE for further information on Child Protection in Leeds