Science is a fundamental part of the curriculum across West SILC. From Early Years to Post-16, scientific thinking is fostered through hands-on experiences, exploration, and tailored learning activities.

In Early Years, children engage in sensory exploration to understand the world around them.

For students in the Complex Needs Learning Network (CMLN), a playful approach enhances their curiosity and understanding of cause and effect.

Cross-curricular sensory experiences and exploratory play are emphasised for students in the Complex Communication Area (CCA).

In the Semi-Formal Curriculum, key scientific skills are taught explicitly alongside subject-specific lessons, covering a range of topics on a termly basis.

The Formal Curriculum at Priesthorpe offers structured science lessons with practical experiments and differentiation, leading to qualifications such as the Entry Level Qualification and GCSEs.

At West 11, a STEM approach is taken to encourage practical experimentation and critical thinking, fostering a positive attitude towards education.

In the Post-16 Curriculum, scientific principles are embedded across all learning areas, promoting problem-solving and critical thinking skills through real-life applications such as food preparation, gardening, and enterprise projects. Students are empowered to question and evaluate their everyday experiences from a scientific perspective, contributing to their overall learning and personal development.

Informal Curriculum - CCA

Science is embedded throughout the curriculum through sensory experiences and exploratory play. Pupils have access to playful activities, including messy play and sensory experiments. Sensory play and exploration supports pupils to examine, discover, categorize, and make sense of the world.

Through continuous provision, staff provide opportunities for pupils to understand the world they live in engaging all the senses. This includes people and communities, the world and technology and to help them make sense of different environments and stimuli of the world around them. Questioning and experimenting in all areas especially during creative work and play are essential tools to ensure progression. Staff always to respond enthusiastically to pupil’s questions and support them to find out the answers through experimentation.

Pupils have opportunities to play and explore with a range of different materials, building blocks, modelling resources and have time to explore and research their interest independently whilst developing language and motor skills alongside scientific exploration.

Semi-Formal Curriculum

Pupils are encouraged to learn about science from their interactions with the environment. Regular activities such as cooking/catering support pupils’ scientific development.

Scientific understanding covers awareness of the properties of objects, observation of patterns in the environment and the ability to collect and organize information

Scientific development covers the development of exploration skills and the ability to observe and describe materials and living things

The curriculum in the semi-formal includes weekly science lessons.

Science helps to develop investigation skills and question what they see, and in some cases to develop and test a theory.

Formal Curriculum - Priesthorpe

Pupils have a minimum of 5 Science lessons per fortnight. From Year 7, all students have access to labs and specialist equipment allowing them the opportunity to conduct experiments and engage with demonstrations and dissections. Science lessons cover Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

In KS4, students have the opportunity to complete an Entry Level in Science and where appropriate, some students will access double award GCSE. Based on options choices, there is also the potential for pupils to access an Entry Level in Practical Horticulture Skills. Throughout Key Stages 3 and 4, students contribute to the maintenance of the school garden, growing and selling vegetables, planting and producing Christmas wreaths.

Formal Curriculum - AIP

At Key Stage 3, Science is taught using a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) approach. It aims to bridge the learning gap by placing students at the core of experience by encouraging active learning. Student study topics such as Rockets, ‘Zombie Apocalypse’, Microbes, ‘Desert Island and The Solar System. Learners are challenged to design, carry out and record experiments to test their ideas and concepts. Teaching methods encourage use of scientific questioning, enquiry and application of scientific vocabulary.