EHCPs / Personalised Learning @ West silc

THE golden thread …

of Educational, Health, Care Plans (EHCPs) / Personalised Learning

the marriage between EHCP outcomes (personalised learning) and Subject Specific learning

INFORMAL CUrriculum - CMLN and CCA

In the Informal pathway most students spend the majority of their learning time working on personalised learning linked to their EHCP outcomes (mainly red blocks). They access some subjects but still linked to their personalised outcomes.


In the semi-formal pathway there is more of a balanced between personalised learning based on EHCP outcomes and subject specific learning. As there is a wide ability range within this cohort, the balance will vary between different groups.

Formal Curriculum

In the Formal pathway learning is driven by subjects and opportunities are exploited within them to achieve EHCP personalised outcomes.

 Education Health Care Plans

Unless on an assessment place you must have an EHCP to attend West SILC. These plans are reviewed with the young person, parents and professionals on an annual basis.

If you need any further information please contact the class teacher or our SEND manager -