west silc governing body
Welcome to the West SILC website which describes the wonderful practice in our school for children and young people aged 2-19 with learning difficulties and disabilities.
All the staff at the school, led by our dynamic Executive Principal, Michelle Wilman, firmly believe that each pupil is able to achieve regardless of their additional learning needs, our vision is very simple:
'Work in partnership to make a difference.’
West SILC makes provision for children and young people on five sites across the west of Leeds and we are very proud of the fact that we are a large, diverse and inclusive organisation.
We have a multi-talented staff team who work in partnership with a range of therapists and the staff of our partner schools to provide a relevant, contemporary and individualised curriculum for each pupil thus ensuring that they all make outstanding progress.
The Governing Body works alongside the Executive Principal and her staff, supporting and challenging, in a constant search for improvement and development of the whole school. I have been Chair of the Governing Body since 2010 and I am very ably supported by a talented group of Governors who all work closely together at a strategic level as the critical friend of the school.
The task of the Governing Body is to govern the school by providing strategic leadership, holding the Headteacher to account and making sure the school’s money is well spent. We do this by meeting at least six times a year and also by delegating specific tasks to individual or groups of Governors who then report back to the Governing Body. A strategic leadership group also meet regularly.
If you would like to know more about the role of Governors or would like to discuss any aspect of West SILC, please do not hesitate to contact me via the School Office on 0113 3862450 or by email: governors@westsilc.org marked for the attention of the Chair of Governors.
Shelley Robson

SHElley robson
CHAIR (Co-opted)
I have been a governor at West SILC since May 2012. Prior to this, I was a parent governor at Pudsey Greenside Primary School for 12 years. During my time as a governor I have been involved in recruiting staff at all levels, and have worked on the Resources, Teaching and Learning, Strategic and Performance Management committees. I have held special governor responsibility for literacy, special educational needs, inclusion and head teacher performance management. I have also contributed to numerous working parties and initiatives to drive school improvements.
In my professional life, I am a motivated, adaptable and accomplished senior manager. My key skills include but are not limited to: leadership, business development, communication, change management, learning and development and presentation skills.
My most recent positions have been at Leeds Community Healthcare Trust as a business consultant and member of the Children’s Services senior management team. Before this I worked for Cool2Care, a social enterprise that provided care-workers for disabled people and disability awareness training throughout the UK. I also run my own Learning and Development Consultancy and have designed and delivered various training and development courses for organisations throughout the UK.

michelle wilman
I was born in Leeds. From 16, I did my work experience and community service at John Jamieson school in Leeds. I was a volunteer at the PHAB (Physically Handicapped Able Bodied) youth club and undertook many residentials with them.
I have been a teacher all my working life. I began my career as a Food Technology teacher in secondary schools. I always wanted to work in a special school but wanted to be a good teacher first.
I moved to Victoria Park (as was) in 1995 to as a Food Technology teacher working with SEND students. I was the first teacher to introduce Entry level certificate courses and was responsible for ICT and assessment across the school.
I became an Assistant Headteacher in 2001. In 2007, I became the Principal for the SILC and consequently joined the governing body. I am a single parent with two children. I particularly enjoy gardening; when I have the time!

Tom Hinchcliffe
Local Authority Representative
I was honoured to be elected as the Labour Councillor for Bramley and Stanningley in May 2023. Having lived in Leeds all my life, I know how important it is that we have local people representing local residents and I’m pleased to be playing a part in improving our community. Before I was elected, I was already aware of the vital work West SILC does to support our young people, particularly those with SEND and other health conditions. I was so impressed by the commitment of all the school staff and teachers, who work tirelessly to get the best out of their students. In particular, West SILC’s post-16 provision is a unique and excellently managed feature of the school’s comprehensive service. I’m learning a lot from working with the other Governors and am delighted to be playing a part in securing the school’s future.

Kate Bisset
Kate is a barrister based in Chambers in Leeds who specialises in criminal and coronial law.
She was called to the bar in July 2009 and worked exclusively in law across different fields before settling into her present specialisms.
She hopes her experience in a variety of legal specialisms will be beneficial to West SILC (though hopefully not in a criminal law capacity!). Outside of work, Kate is a proud stepmother and mother, a keen dancer (usually very badly) and baker of novelty cupcakes.

I have worked in education for most of my career, starting off as a secondary English teacher.
My aim has always been to try and ensure that all young people can access the highest quality education possible and to ensure that schools and professionals in education work together to achieve this aim.
I now work with many schools across Leeds, as a School Improvement Adviser and I am excited to join the team as a Governor at West SILC.

dominique simpson
I am an English teacher at a mainstream secondary school in East Leeds. Growing up with foster siblings with a range of medical and socio-emotional needs has given me valuable insight into the crucial work undertaken at SILCs across the country. I am passionate about ensuring that all children, regardless of background, have access to a high quality education. I hope to be able to share teaching and learning expertise between my roles at West SILC and my school. Outside of teaching, I can usually be found singing, cooking or painting.

Michael richmond
My career, to date, has made me a great believer in human potential.
I have spent the last 20 years in Leeds, working in Further Education. I have worked with ESOL students from over 170 countries, coached teenagers on foundation courses and most recently managed Special Needs Education at Leeds City College.
I am passionate about personalised support and the delivery of bespoke learning that meets the needs of the individual. I now manage 2 offices of Tutor Doctor in Leeds NW and Harrogate.
Alongside my professional career, I enjoy spending holidays travelling the world with my wife and 2 beautiful daughters.
I look forward to sharing my skills and experience with the Governor Team and the wider West SILC community.

Grace Searle
Staff governor
Info coming soon...

I am delighted to be appointed as a co-opted governor and to contribute to the ongoing success of West SILC. I look forward to working with staff, families, and the wider school community to support every child and young person in reaching their full potential. I am from Guiseley in Leeds and attended Benton Park School before studying at the University of Liverpool. My career has focused on leadership roles across hospitality, elderly care, and special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Since 2017, I have worked in a senior strategic partnerships and commissioning role within a national SEND education and care organisation, collaborating with local authorities across the UK to develop provision for children and young people with SEND. I have a strong interest in SEND legislation and policy and am committed to ensuring that my work is always centred on the needs of children, young people, and their families. Away from work, I enjoy spending time with my young family.

your name here
parent governor
We are recruiting two parent governors. If you are interested in becoming one of these please get in touch.

your name here
parent governor
We are recruiting two parent governors. If you are interested in becoming one of these please get in touch.
The Full Governing Body meet 3 times per year, once every term.
In addition to these meetings, we have a number of sub-committees taking place throughout the school year:
strategic committee
Responsible for the longer term strategy for the school, its vision and what is needed to meet its goals and objectives.
Pupil Support & Achievement Comittee
Responsible for teaching and learning matters including target setting, standards and achievement, monitoring teaching and learning and curriculum provision.
Resources Committee
Responsible for staffing, equality and diversity, finance, property management, health and safety and nutritional standards.
Governing Body Skill-Set
It is important that the governing body, as a group, has the capacity to lead, monitor, evaluate, challenge, understand data, make financial judgements and decisions, communicate, appoint senior staff etc. To ensure that all these skills are represented on the governing body, it is important to recruit people who have these skills, or to ensure that existing governors access appropriate training.
Members of our governing body have the skills needed to make an active and useful contribution and in the current climate of rigorous inspection and high demands on governing bodies, they work incredibly hard together to provide the very best environment for all our stakeholders.
The Governing Body Purpose
Strong governance is essential for good schools. Governing bodies hold important strategic responsibilities for the development and improvement of the school. A key role of governing bodies is to support and challenge headteachers in order to ensure pupils receive the best possible education. Governors are not expected to be routinely involved in the day to day activity of the school, but they do visit and their purposes are understood by school staff.