post 16 Curriculum information
What we do
Each classes approach in the Post 16 department varies to meet the needs of the individual student. Our curriculum is geared towards developing independence and the ability to ‘Learn to Earn, Live and Love.’ In Key stage 5 this curriculum focuses around functional skills learning in numeracy, literacy, ICT, PSHE and employability. The primary goal is not for pupils to solely learn in a classroom based environment but for our pupils to develop transferrable skills, becoming more confident, independent and employable individuals with an employable skillset.
The curriculum offers opportunities for the pupils to use and develop skills in real world functional settings working towards playing a full part in society. By working alongside parents/carers and the pupil, we are able to create meaningful, aspirational EHCP targets that feed into and inform our curriculum.
Pupils work towards accreditation in either ASDAN or Functional Skills Maths, English, ICT and where relevant an Employability qualification. All learning is contextual, we recognise learning is lifelong with targets and skills needing to be reinforced often on a daily basis. Alongside the accreditation, when pupils are ready to they take part in work related learning placements, these placements are not solely based on their future work interests but takes into account the need to develop social and independence skills.
We support all aspects of the pupil’s learning, giving opportunity to develop self-help skills in all aspects of their lives. The learning is delivered in a nurturing environment that provides them with challenging experiences and learning opportunities designed to equip them with the necessary skills to aim towards independent living and future employment.
We make sure our learners and their family are at the centre of any discussions about appropriate provision. We deal with the entire person including their home lives, their past and their future. The experience is always nurturing and restorative. Each approach is individual to the pupil’s needs.
It is essential that our pupils develop a growth mind set, which is why we aim to expose our pupils to new and challenging experiences with the knowledge that they will always have our full support. We value the relationships that exist within our class and directly challenge anything that may harm them. Everyone in our class has a voice and the expectation it will be listened to. We continue to use the circle format to empower individuals to express their concerns and find solutions to their problems on a daily basis and as part of class speaking and listening activities.
Our approach develops pupil's self-confidence and awareness of the community around them and their place within it. This allows them to gain a better understanding of their behaviour, take responsibility for their actions, manage the consequences, develop resilience and work towards solutions.
All staff are wholeheartedly committed to raising our pupils’ aspirations. Staff support teams work with pupils across the week to ensure they understand individual pupil’s learning needs, how to support them and have an eye to daily changes in a pupil’s life.
Our pupils take part in a life skills trips into the community where they are given the opportunity to practice and hone the skills they have learned in ‘real life’ situations.
All pupils are accustomed to the following certainties where we:
Cultivate a restorative environment
Develop pupils’ independence and employability
Demonstrate the belief we have in our pupils
Motivate and engage our pupils.
Ensure accessible learning, recognising our pupils’ needs
Key stage 4+5 SEMH provision
keystage 5:
The Powerhouse
Our Post 16 pupils work towards Accreditation in: