West Silc Priesthorpe curriculum
Key stages 3 and 4
West SILC's Priesthorpe Partnership caters for pupils aged 11-16 with a range of learning needs. The Partnership allows West SILC pupils to access specialist teaching as part of a broad, balanced curriculum. This inclusive environment fosters high aspirations, equipping students with skills to overcome barriers to learning and achieve well.
Students access Partnership Lessons which provide small-group, specialist teaching with high levels of support for core subjects. These lessons are highly differentiated in line with the mainstream secondary curriculum. The curriculum offer is bespoke and caters for individuals, allowing students to attend mainstream lessons for particular or all subjects where appropriate. We closely collaborate with Priesthorpe staff to ensure our pupils receive specialist teaching in a range of subjects. From year 7, all pupils attend coaching and creative lessons with their mainstream peers. This aspect of inclusion helps in the development of social skills and ensures that West SILC students have opportunities for integration in mainstream classes. At KS4, the options package is personalised, enabling students to access a mixture of mainsteam options, entry level qualifications and life skills awards.
Our curriculum is adapted to the individual learning needs of each pupil. Students receive specific interventions, informed by EHCP outcomes, teacher assessment and external agencies, including speech and language therapists and educational psychologists. All Priesthorpe staff are made aware of the specific learning needs of West SILC students to ensure that provision is consistently and fairly differentiated across the school.
Schemes of work are reviewed every academic year, informed by the most recent data outcomes as well as staff and student voice. Adjustments are made accordingly to both West SILC and Co-op Academy Priesthorpe.