Our Hollybush Partnership opened in 2009. We cater for pupils aged 3-11 years of age with moderate to severe learning difficulties and or communication difficulties and pupils with ASC and SEMH. The aim of the partnership is to develop pupils' independence and confidence to manage their future, to develop their ability to make choices and communicate their feelings, opinions, wants and needs and to provide a coherent, structured curriculum that leads to an active life where learners engage fully with their community.
We aim to raise pupils' aspirations, equip them with the necessary skills and moxie (force of character, determination, or nerve) they will need to access all of the opportunities that are open to them.
We provide access to specialist teaching and to mainstream lessons.
Pink class provides an environment and curriculum that caters for our pupils' academic, social, emotional and behavioural needs. We aim to cater for the pupil as a whole - their background, their barriers to learning and aspirations for the future. The experience aims to be nurturing and restorative. Our broad curriculum aims to incorporate aspects of a wide range of life skills within the context of our everyday lessons, for example using money in numeracy lessons or learning about food hygiene and healthy eating during our cooking lessons.