Key stages 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
CMLN LEAD: Sarah.riley@westsilc.org
The Farnley Partnership provides an environment and curriculum that caters for our pupils' with Complex and Multiple Learning Needs. Pupils typically join us at age 3 or when transitioning from primary school at the end of reception, key stage 1 or 2. We make sure that our learners and their family are at the centre of any discussions about appropriate provision. We create Personalised Learning Plans (PLP) using a multi professional approach with the family playing a central role. The PLP is created around aspirations and overcoming obstacles to their learning.
Students are aged between 3 and 19 and typically learn at a much slower rate than their learning disabled peers, are pre-verbal, may experience health difficulties and may have sensory and or physical impairments.
The curriculum for the Farnley Partnership is built around the Personalised Learning Plans of the learners, using a process based teaching model. We respond to pupils' individual requirements by actively adapting the offer for each pupil. EHCP targets are central to each pupil's learning journey. The main focus of learning is communication and functional mobility. Underpinning this is the requirement for health, care and postural management needs to be met so that students are able to take advantage of the learning offered.
Pupils with these obstacles to learning are entitled to an environment which recognises and supports their needs at any given time, ensuring maximum engagement.
Sustainable learning can occur only when there is meaningful engagement. The process of engagement is a journey which connects a child and their environment (including people, ideas, materials and concepts) to enable learning and achievement. (Definition and Statement of Engagement, Schools Network, CLDD Reseach Project: 2010)
All staff are wholeheartedly committed to providing personalised engagement and this is ensured by providing high quality reflective CPD for the whole of the Partnership staff team.
We believe:
These pupils need opportunities and chances to engage with their world and to achieve their potential so that their lives go beyond being 'cared for' to being 'valued for who they are as individuals'. (Cumbria Person Centred Planning Group: May 2005)