
the west silc offer

West Specialist Inclusive Learning Centre (SILC) is a community special school, under the organisation of Leeds City Council. The school has a governing body which supports and challenges the principal to guide the future direction of the school. We have 242 learners on roll. The SILC welcomes learners who are aged between 2-19 years with an EHCP and is classed as generic. What this means is that we cater for a wide range of special educational needs - moderate and severe learning difficulties, complex and multiple learning needs (CMLN / PMLD); complex autism, autism spectrum disorders and Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs. West SILC is also a regional centre of excellence for the MOVE programme, which supports our learners with physical disabilities to develop functional skills for everyday life – sitting, standing and for some, even walking. We provide outreach to other schools to develop these programmes.